<aside> 📌 This page covers reference definitions for terms and language used in the Agreement Fields for ETHOS

Operating system:

Much like a computers operating system, we as people and the earth are the computer and hardware. The social architecture helps organize us, guide us in relationships, meet our needs, and operate day to day within a society is the operating system.


A fully functioning operating system based on the ETHOS (Emergent Thriving Holonic Organizational Structure) The system also includes a solutions center, legal standards, new economic models, tech alliances, Agreement Fields, and a network of locations. Much like a living system this network communicates, interacts, has a specific boundary, and each location works towards a common goal in harmony.

Agreement Fields

An Agreement Field is a specific measurable agreement that has been made by two or more people. These are always for a specific space and time. The "space" is the area two or more people are inhabiting, and the "time" is the duration that they have agreed by consensus to be operating within the agreement set (field). Sometimes we may visit family in the city, or go to a store. We cannot bring our Agreement Field with us since others in the space are not aware and have not agreed. Our presence and actions may give them an idea of our values and insights into other ways of operating, and also sometimes there is an underlying context/agreement field already in operation. Most likely it is the result of those trying to follow the laws the best they can and the sub-culture(s) that arise from this and a variety of unspoken dynamics. We have various terms for this; The Default World, The Matrix, The Program, Babylon, and The Old Paradigm.

Responsibility or Integrity

Honor your word. That is, do what you said you would do by when you said you would do it. And, when you don't clean it up, make new promises and keep them.


The group with Agency means the group that has been granted the right to oversee that specific issue or domain. They will have a process usually, and the ability to either make a decision based on that process or to view results.

New Paradigm vs. Old Paradigm:

A paradigm is a world view or an organizational structure. Our world has transitioned through many paradigms. We are now emerging into what's signified by the color teal and called the Teal Paradigm. It is a very successful worldwide organizational structure. If you are not familiar we suggest listening to the audiobook or reading "Reinventing Organizations" by Frederic Laloux. The three main characteristics of this paradigm are: self-organized, purpose-driven organizations, living our purpose, and living system

Full Potential Network

Any time/space, buildings, people, operating within the Universal Agreement field of GAIA.